
It seems most teens have pressures in life that compel them to do things.  Boys are pressured from their friends that they are expected to have sex, and girls feel the need to look sexy and attract the boys.  Parents will be the biggest influence on their kids.  46% of teens feel like their parents influence them in their decisions about sex, and 80% of teens would be more comfortable talking to their parents if they were more open.  Parents need to keep an open line of communication with their kids in order for their kids to feel comfortable enough to come and talk to them about sex. 

66% of adults feel like teen pregnancy is a problem.  Teen pregnancy seems like a revolving door unfortunately for some families.   Girls are more likely to have an earlier pregnancy if their mother also had them at a young age.  Some believe religion and marriage has influenced the way teens look at sex.  In the past, religious people would not have sex until marriage.  Now about 50% of new mothers are unmarried.  People are not waiting until marriage to have sex.

I can understand how some people would think that these moms are famous now because of the show, but that was not the intention of the show.  Unfortunately because of the show, the moms have been in the tabloids and that makes it seem as if they are celebrities.  They did not become pregnant because of the show, they already were.  Teen pregnancy is going to happen whether it is on TV or not.  If parents are smart they will allow their children to watch the show and then talk about it.  If teens want to have sex, they will, but it will depend on their influences whether they use protection or not.

Even though teen pregnancy rates are at an all time low, the amount of money that these pregnancies cost the government is very high.  Most teen moms end up on welfare and need help paying bills and buying food.  The show was just another way to get the message out there that teen pregnancy needs to be avoided.